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Are You Socially Engaged?

September 26, 2023

Keeping Engaged Socially is good for your health!

We are not talking about your marital status. We mean, do you participate in activities that connect you with other people? As people get older, their social lives oftentimes slow down for a variety of reasons. When it is unwanted, this can lead to loneliness and isolation. Research has shown that for older adults, staying engaged in enjoyable activities is associated with better physical and mental health. As we age, being involved with others is strongly associated with better brain function. So it is not only fun, it is good for you! You might not have ever imagined that while you were singing in the church choir, or meeting with your book club, or volunteering at the animal shelter that you were actually improving your brain health!

In addition, research has shown that learning a new activity for older people can provide some “insurance” against memory loss. However, it cannot prevent progressive diseases like Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

There are many ways to get involved in your local community. Some to consider include:

  • Participate in sports—whether tai chi or tennis, there’s something for every interest and ability.
  • Head outdoors—join a walking, hiking, or bird watching group.
  • Make music—join a choir or band or take lessons.
  • Get involved—participate with a church, temple, or other religious organization.
  • Read, join, participate, or start a book club.
  • Volunteer for a cause or group you’re passionate about.
  • Take classes at a gym.
  • Find (or start!) a group that fits your passion —whether it’s knitting or carpentry.
  • Indulge your creativity —stage a play with friends, create a themed-dining dinner club, or take an art class.

There are national organizations that can help connect you with these kinds of activities, including:

  • Websites like VolunteerMatchIdealist, and AARP’s Create the Good help connect people and nonprofits who care about similar causes.
  • AARP’s Experience Corp  is an AmeriCorps program that trains adults 50+ to tutor elementary students who aren’t reading at grade level.
  • The American Volkssport Association is a national organization promoting physical fitness, with has many local clubs that sponsor walks and other fitness events.
  • Meetup is a website that helps connect people with common interests of all kinds, so they can meet up and enjoy discussions and activities.
  • SilverSneakers is a national network of gyms with free membership for those with participating health plans, and a community of other adults seeking to remain fit and involved.
  • The Senior Theater Resource  provides information for older adults interested in performing.
  • is an online resource for those interested in utilizing their experience and knowledge to do work—paid or unpaid—with social impact, to benefit future generations.

So why not take some steps to stay connected and keep your brain healthy – through an activity you enjoy – with your community?

SHARP Program

An example of a memory prompt for walkers in the SHARP Program.

Portland, Oregon is one community where theories about the benefits of increasing social engagement and brain health are being put into action. The Sharing History through Active Reminiscence and Photo-imagery (SHARP) Program, run by the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), brings together small groups of older African Americans for mile-long GPS-guided walks. Historic photos of local interest, like the one above, appear on the group’s digital device at selected locations. At each of these Memory Markers, the group pauses to discuss the photograph and flex their memories. The SHARP program specifically targets African Americans, who may be less aware than white Americans of the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, have higher rates of some possible dementia risk factors, and be slower to seek care.

OHSU runs the SHARP program as part of the Healthy Brain Research Network, a thematic network of CDC Prevention Research Centers that promotes cognitive health and supports older Americans with cognitive decline as well as their caregivers. Through a unique combination of social engagement, exercise, and memory stimulation, the SHARP program aims to promote healthy aging of mind and body, preserve neighborhood memories, and increase awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease in a local community.

To learn more, please visit

Get Ready for Flu Season

September 19, 2023

Updates to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Flu Vaccine Recommendations for the 2023-2024 season

A couple of things are different for the 2023-2024 influenza (flu) season:

  • The composition of flu vaccines has been updated. Flu vaccines for the U.S. 2023-2024 season will contain the following:
    Egg-based vaccines
    • an A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus; (Updated)
    • an A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2)-like virus;
    • a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus; and
    • a B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)-like virus.

  • Cell- or recombinant-based vaccines
    • an A/Wisconsin/67/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus; (Updated)
    • an A/Darwin/6/2021 (H3N2)-like virus;
    • a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus; and
    • a B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)-like virus.
    • These recommendations include one update compared to the 2022-2023 U.S. flu vaccine composition. The influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine virus component was updated for egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based flu vaccines.

  • People with egg allergy may get any vaccine (egg-based or non-egg-based) that is otherwise appropriate for their age and health status. Previously, it was recommended that people with severe allergy to egg (those who have had any symptom other than hives with egg exposure) be vaccinated in an inpatient or outpatient medical setting. Beginning with the 2023-2024 season, additional safety measures are no longer recommended for flu vaccination of people with an egg allergy beyond those recommended for receipt of any vaccine, regardless of the severity of previous reaction to egg. All vaccines should be given in settings where allergic reactions can be recognized and treated quickly.

Projected U.S. Flu Vaccine Supply for the 2023-2024 Season

  • Vaccine manufacturers have projected that they will supply the United States with as many as 156.2 million to 170 million doses of influenza vaccines for the 2023-2024 season. These projections may change as the season progresses.
    • All flu vaccines for the 2023-2024 season will be quadrivalent (four-component).
    • Most will be thimerosal-free or thimerosal-reduced vaccines (91%), and about 21% of flu vaccines will be egg-free.

To learn more, please visit

Healthy Body, Healthier Brain

September 11, 2023

Brain health and physical health are both important, especially as we age. A recent CDC study found that people with one or more chronic health conditions were more likely to report worsening or more frequent memory problems, also called subjective cognitive decline (SCD).

Chronic health conditions included in the report were diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and kidney disease. SCD was most common among adults with COPD or heart disease, or who had had a stroke.

Worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss, combined with chronic health conditions, can make it especially hard to live independently and do everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, managing health conditions and medicines, and keeping medical appointments. This may lead to worse health, and preventable hospitalizations or more severe memory loss or confusion. In some cases, SCD may put people at greater risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

What Can People With Memory Loss and Chronic Health Conditions Do?

It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider. Researchers found that only half of adults with SCD and a chronic condition had discussed their memory loss with a health care professional. Early diagnosis of memory loss is especially important for people with chronic health conditions. Getting checked by your healthcare provider can help determine if the symptoms you are experiencing are related to dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, or a more treatable condition such as a vitamin deficiency or medication side effects. Early diagnosis also provides an opportunity to participate in clinical trials, and more time to plan for the future.

8 Ways to Help Improve Your Brain Health

There is growing scientific evidence that healthy behaviors, which have been shown to prevent cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, also may reduce risk for SCD. Here are eight steps you can take for a healthy body and healthier brain.

  1. Quit Smoking—Quitting smoking now improves your health and reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and other smoking-related illnesses. Free quitline: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).
  2. Prevent and Manage High Blood Pressure—Tens of millions of adults in the United States have high blood pressure, and many do not have it under control. Learn the facts.
  3. Prevent and Manage High Cholesterol—Nearly 1 in 3 American adults has high cholesterol. Learn how to manage your cholesterol levels and lower your risk.
  4. Maintain a Healthy Weight—Healthy weight isn’t about short-term dietary changes. Instead, it’s about a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity.
  5. Get Enough Sleep—A third of American adults report that they usually get less sleep than the recommended amount.
  6. Stay Engaged—There are many ways for older adults to get involved in their local community. Here are some activities to consider.
  7. Manage Blood Sugar—Learn how to manage your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
  8. If You Drink, Do So in Moderation—Learn about alcohol use and your health.

To learn more, please visit

Recognizing Symptoms of Dementia and Seeking Help

September 5, 2023

As we age, our brains change, but Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias are not an inevitable part of aging. In fact, up to 40% of dementia cases may be prevented or delayed. It helps to understand what’s normal and what’s not when it comes to brain health.

Normal brain aging may mean slower processing speeds and more trouble multitasking, but routine memory, skills, and knowledge are stable and may even improve with age. It’s normal to occasionally forget recent events such as where you put your keys or the name of the person you just met.


In the United States, 6.2 million people age 65 and older have Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia. People with dementia have symptoms of cognitive decline that interfere with daily life—including disruptions in language, memory, attention, recognition, problem solving, and decision-making. Signs to watch for include:

  • Not being able to complete tasks without help.
  • Trouble naming items or close family members.
  • Forgetting the function of items.
  • Repeating questions.
  • Taking much longer to complete normal tasks.
  • Misplacing items often.
  • Being unable to retrace steps and getting lost.


Symptoms of some vitamin deficiencies and medical conditions such as vitamin B12 deficiency, infections, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), or normal pressure hydrocephalus (a neurological condition caused by the build-up of fluid in the brain) can mimic dementia. Some prescription and over-the-counter medicines can cause dementia-like symptoms. If you have these symptoms, it is important to talk to your health care provider to find out if there are any underlying causes for these symptoms.

For more information, see What Is Dementia?


A healthcare provider can perform tests on attention, memory, problem solving and other cognitive abilities to see if there is cause for concern. A physical exam, blood tests, and brain scans like a CT or MRI can help determine an underlying cause.


Talk with your loved one about seeing a health care provider if they are experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s dementia to get a brain health check up.


More than half of people with memory loss have not talked to their healthcare provider, but that doesn’t have to be you. Get comfortable with starting a dialogue with your health care provider if you observe any changes in memory, or an increase in confusion, or just if you have any questions. You can also discuss health care planning, management of chronic conditions, and caregiving needs.

To learn more, please visit

To learn more about the Alzheimer’s Association, please visit Alzheimer’s Association | Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia Help